§ 54-7. Garbage collection—Service.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    There is hereby established in the city a garbage, rubbish, and refuse collection, hauling, and disposal service to be operated by the sanitary department. The collection, hauling and disposal of garbage, rubbish, and other refuse shall be made periodically as said city council may prescribe, by the sanitary department as frequently as ordered by the city council, and the charges herein prescribed are based on such periodic collection and disposal. Anyone who has a connection on the municipal water system will have to pay a garbage collection fee.


    In the exercise of the police power of the city, and for the purpose of enabling the city to perform a governmental function, and to carry out the other provisions of this chapter the city council of the city shall by simple resolution, from time to time, as necessary, fix, alter, and amend fees to be charged and collected for the collection, hauling and disposition of garbage, rubbish, refuse and trash, under the provisions of this chapter. Said city council, by said resolutions, shall have full authority to differentiate between various classes of collections, such as residences, single-family dwellings, apartment houses, housing projects, commercial establishments, business houses, hotel, motels, large businesses or small businesses and said council may fix and vary said fees among said various classes of collections as it shall best see fit. Said resolutions must be spread upon the minutes of said council and shall become effective immediately upon their adoption, without any further publication of notice. Said council shall have authority to temporarily delegate its authority granted hereunder as it best sees fit, reserving to itself the right to terminate such delegated authority at any time. And said city council as such, or acting through its duly delegated agents, shall have authority to collect said fees as set forth herein.


    All bills for service hereunder shall be due and payable in advance on a monthly basis, or for longer periods if the party served so desires.


    All payments for services hereunder shall be made to the city clerk of the city.


    No collection service, as provided hereunder, shall be rendered to any person or business whose account is delinquent.


    Said city council is hereby authorized to work out and employ such system of billing and collecting said fees as shall to it seem most advisable.

(Prior Code, § 13-8; Ord. No. 223)